Dremel 3D Printer vs Ultimaker - Pros, Cons, and Comparison

July 01, 2021

Dremel 3D Printer vs Ultimaker - Pros, Cons, and Comparison

Welcome to another comparison blog post by the Flare Compare Team! Today we are comparing two giants in 3D printing: the Dremel 3D Printer and the Ultimaker. Let's dive into it!

Dremel 3D Printer

Dremel is a popular brand in the power tools market. The company offers a range of affordable and user-friendly 3D printers that are perfect for beginners.


  • Easy to use and set up.
  • Affordable price, with the Dremel 3D20 starting at $599.
  • Compact and lightweight, making it easy to move around and store.
  • Safe and reliable, with its enclosed design and non-toxic filaments.
  • Dremel also offers a good support system with their software and customer service.


  • The build volume is not as large as other 3D printers, with a maximum size of 9 x 5.9 x 5.5 inches for the Dremel 3D20.
  • Limited materials compatibility, as it only accepts Dremel's proprietary PLA filaments, which can be more expensive.
  • It lacks some of the advanced features found in other 3D printers, such as automatic bed leveling and wireless connectivity.


Ultimaker is a premium brand that offers high-quality and versatile 3D printers for professional and industrial use. Their printers are known for their advanced features and exceptional performance.


  • Large and open build volume, with some models offering up to 19.3 x 13.4 x 12.2 inches.
  • High-quality and reliable print results, thanks to its advanced features such as automatic bed leveling and dual extrusion.
  • Compatible with a wide range of materials, including PLA, ABS, Nylon, and more.
  • Offers wireless connectivity and compatibility with third-party software.
  • Exceptional customer service and a large community of users.


  • High price point, with some models exceeding $10,000.
  • Some models require a bit more technical know-how to set up and use.
  • They are known to be loud during operation.


Feature Dremel 3D Printer Ultimaker
Price $599 - $899 $1,195 - $10,000+
Build volume 9 x 5.9 x 5.5 inches Up to 19.3 x 13.4 x 12.2 inches
Materials compatibility Dremel proprietary PLA filaments PLA, ABS, Nylon, and more
Advanced features Limited Automatic bed leveling, dual extrusion
Connectivity USB Wireless
Customer service Good Exceptional

As you can see in our comparison chart, the two brands have very different target audiences. Dremel is perfect for beginners and casual hobbyists, while Ultimaker is targeting professional users who require high-quality printing and versatility.

Wrapping Up

Both Dremel and Ultimaker offer great 3D printers, but it all comes down to your needs and budget. If you're a beginner or need a printer for personal use, then the Dremel 3D printer might be the best fit for you. But if you're a professional or need a printer with advanced features and a larger build volume, then the Ultimaker is the way to go.

Thanks for reading this comparison blog post by the Flare Compare Team! We hope you find it helpful in making your 3D printer purchase decision.


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